Strategy & Growth

CESA Strategic Planning

Throughout September to November 2022, as part of the implemented Strategic Planning Cycle, the Strategy Coordinator guided the work with the Leadership Team with the aim of reviewing the Corporate Plan, the outcomes associated with the 2022 Annual Plan and developing the revised Corporate Plan and 2023 Annual Plan. 

This work culminated in presenting the below to SACCS for approval at its meeting in November 2021:

  1. SACCS Corporate Plan 2022 – 2026
  2. 2022 Annual Plan Report
  3. SACCS 2023 Annual Plan – comprising of the high-level actions and strategic initiatives for the second year of the 5-year Corporate Plan. 

CESA Futures Infrastructure Strategy (CFIS)

The Purpose of the CESA Futures Infrastructure Strategy is to provide a coherent strategy that addresses the immediate term (1-5 years), medium term (5-15 years), and longer term (15-30 years) infrastructure priorities for Catholic education across South Australia.

Throughout 2022 the Steering Committee, through the Northern and Southern Working Groups, continued its work in identifying and engaging with a range of opportunities across South Australia. 

Strong collaborations, connections and partnerships were established and maintained with all the relevant councils in the developing and forecasted growth areas, and areas of expansion for CESA. 

Southwest Adelaide Expansion was also a major focus throughout 2022.