Infrastructure Planning & Development

Infrastructure Planning & Development Committee

The Infrastructure Planning and Development Committee supported Catholic Education SA with critical assessment and peer review of master planning, capital developments, proposed land acquisitions, and oversight of capital grants programs funded by the Australian Government and South Australian Government throughout 2022.


During the year, the committee considered several issues of importance in developing a plan for the location and structure of Catholic schools across the state, and for capital developments in existing schools.

Master Planning

In 2022, the committee endorsed 11 school (13 in 2021) master plans with several schools currently being assisted with master plans.  Master plans are an important element of the committee’s work.

Land Acquisition

The committee manages the Property Acquisition Register, which records the details of properties approved for potential future acquisition.  In conjunction with master planning, schools that are constrained for space are encouraged to act now to enable the site to be expanded for the benefit of future generations.

Eight schools (12 in 2021) submitted applications for 36 (62 in 2021) properties to be added to the register. All were endorsed by the Committee, the Finance and Infrastructure Standing Committee (FISC) and noted by SACCS. During the year 11 properties on the register were purchased.

Capital Development

The committee endorsed capital development applications from 29 (23 in 2021) schools for projects totalling $140m ($173.28m in 2021.)

Critically reviewing capital development proposals, supporting schools through the Australian Government and South Australian capital grants programs, and providing strategic advice that enables schools to make the most of their resources are significant roles for the Infrastructure Planning and Development Committee.

Australian Government and South Australian Government Capital Grants

The main external sources of project funding available for allocation in 2022 were under the Australian Government - Capital Grants Program (approximately $6.26m) and the South Australian Government Capital Grants Program (approximately $11.63m).  The committee assessed and endorsed 24 applications for funding, and grants were recommended for 16 schools. 

Capital Development Projects endorsed by IPAD Committee in 2022